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Text File | 1997-02-26 | 100.9 KB | 2,715 lines |
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** MUI - MagicUserInterface
- ;** (c) 1993-1997 Stefan Stuntz
- ;**
- ;** Main Header File
- ;**
- ;** /Blitz Basic 2 Interface by Erwan Fouret
- ;** /Added comments marked with a "/"
- ;**
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;** Class Tree
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** rootclass (BOOPSI's base class)
- ;** +--Notify (implements notification mechanism)
- ;** ! +--Family (handles multiple children)
- ;** ! ! +--Menustrip (describes a complete menu strip)
- ;** ! ! +--Menu (describes a single menu)
- ;** ! ! \--Menuitem (describes a single menu item)
- ;** ! +--Application (main class for all applications)
- ;** ! +--Window (main class for all windows)
- ;** ! ! \--Aboutmui (About window of MUI preferences)
- ;** ! +--Area (base class for all GUI elements)
- ;** ! +--Rectangle (spacing object)
- ;** ! +--Balance (balancing separator bar)
- ;** ! +--Image (image display)
- ;** ! +--Bitmap (draws bitmaps)
- ;** ! ! \--Bodychunk (makes bitmap from ILBM body chunk)
- ;** ! +--Text (text display)
- ;** ! +--Gadget (base class for intuition gadgets)
- ;** ! ! +--String (string gadget)
- ;** ! ! +--Boopsi (interface to BOOPSI gadgets)
- ;** ! ! \--Prop (proportional gadget)
- ;** ! +--Gauge (fule gauge)
- ;** ! +--Scale (percentage scale)
- ;** ! +--Colorfield (field with changeable color)
- ;** ! +--List (line-oriented list)
- ;** ! ! +--Floattext (special list with floating text)
- ;** ! ! +--Volumelist (special list with volumes)
- ;** ! ! +--Scrmodelist (special list with screen modes)
- ;** ! ! \--Dirlist (special list with files)
- ;** ! +--Numeric (base class for slider gadgets)
- ;** ! ! +--Knob (turning knob)
- ;** ! ! +--Levelmeter (level display)
- ;** ! ! +--Numericbutton (space saving popup slider)
- ;** ! ! \--Slider (traditional slider)
- ;** ! +--Framedisplay (private)
- ;** ! ! \--Popframe (private)
- ;** ! +--Imagedisplay (private)
- ;** ! ! \--Popimage (private)
- ;** ! +--Pendisplay (displays a pen specification)
- ;** ! ! \--Poppen (popup button to adjust a pen spec)
- ;** ! +--Group (groups other GUI elements)
- ;** ! +--Mccprefs (private)
- ;** ! +--Register (handles page groups with titles)
- ;** ! ! \--Penadjust (group to adjust a pen)
- ;** ! +--Settingsgroup (private)
- ;** ! +--Settings (private)
- ;** ! +--Frameadjust (private)
- ;** ! +--Imageadjust (private)
- ;** ! +--Virtgroup (handles virtual groups)
- ;** ! +--Scrollgroup (virtual groups with scrollbars)
- ;** ! +--Scrollbar (traditional scrollbar)
- ;** ! +--Listview (listview)
- ;** ! +--Radio (radio button)
- ;** ! +--Cycle (cycle gadget)
- ;** ! +--Coloradjust (several gadgets to adjust a color)
- ;** ! +--Palette (complete palette gadget)
- ;** ! +--Popstring (base class for popup objects)
- ;** ! +--Popobject (popup aynthing in a separate window)
- ;** ! ! +--Poplist (popup a simple listview)
- ;** ! ! \--Popscreen (popup a list of public screens)
- ;** ! \--Popasl (popup an asl requester)
- ;** +--Semaphore (semaphore equipped objects)
- ;** +--Applist (private)
- ;** +--Dataspace (handles general purpose data spaces)
- ;** \--Configdata (private)
- ;**
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;** General Header File Information
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** All macro and structure definitions follow these rules:
- ;**
- ;** Name Meaning
- ;**
- ;** Macro MUIC_<class> Name of a class
- ;** #MUIM_<class>_<method> Method
- ;** #MUIP_<class>_<method> Methods parameter structure
- ;** #MUIV_<class>_<method>_<x> Special method value
- ;** #MUIA_<class>_<attrib> Attribute
- ;** #MUIV_<class>_<attrib>_<x> Special attribute value
- ;** #MUIE_<error> Error return code from MUI_Error_()
- ;** #MUII_<name> Standard MUI image
- ;** #MUIX_<code> Control codes for text strings
- ;** #MUIO_<name> Object type for MUI_MakeObjectA_()
- ;**
- ;** #MUIA_... attribute definitions are followed by a comment
- ;** consisting of the three possible letters I, S and G.
- ;** I: it's possible to specify this attribute at object creation time.
- ;** S: it's possible to change this attribute with SetAttrsA_().
- ;** G: it's possible to get this attribute with GetAttrA_().
- ;**
- ;** Items marked with "Custom Class" are for use in custom classes only!
- ;/ *** BEGIN Header Added for BB2 Interface ***
- ;/ exec/nodes.h
- *mln_Succ.MinNode
- *mln_Pred.MinNode
- ;/ intuition/intuition.h
- Left.w
- Top.w
- Width.w
- Height.w
- ;/ *** END Header Added for BB2 Interface
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Library specification
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIMASTER_NAME "muimaster.library" : End Macro
- ;** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ;** Warning, some of the macros in this header file work only with
- ;** muimaster.library V11 and above. If you recompile your programs,
- ;** be sure to open muimaster.library with MUIMASTER_VMIN as version number.
- ;** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ; comment this if you dont want to include obsolete identifiers
- ;/ In the BB2 interface, put #MUI_OBSOLETE to 0
- ;************************************************************************
- ;** Config items for MUIM_GetConfigItem
- ;************************************************************************
- #MUICFG_PublicScreen = 36
- ;************************************************************************
- ;** Black box specification structures for images, pens, frames
- ;************************************************************************
- buf.b[32]
- ;************************************************************************
- ;** Public Screen Stuff
- ;************************************************************************
- ;** NOTE: This stuff is only included to allow compilation of the supplied
- ;** public screen manager for educational purposes. Everything
- ;** here is subject to change without notice and I guarantee to
- ;** do that just for fun!
- ;** More info can be found in the screen manager source file.
- Macro PSD_INITIAL_NAME "(unnamed)" : End Macro
- Macro PSD_INITIAL_TITLE "MUI Public Screen" : End Macro
- #PSD_ID_MPUB = $4D505542 ;'MPUB'
- Macro PSD_NAME_FRONTMOST Chr$(171)+"Frontmost"+Chr$(187) : End Macro
- Macro PSD_FILENAME_SAVE "envarc:mui/PublicScreens.iff" : End Macro
- Macro PSD_FILENAME_USE "env:mui/PublicScreens.iff" : End Macro
- _red.l ;/Normally red (no _)
- _green.l ;/Normally green (no _)
- _blue.l ;/Normally blue (no _)
- NEWTYPE.MUI_PubScreenDesc
- Version.l
- DisplayID.l
- DisplayWidth.w
- DisplayHeight.w
- DisplayDepth.b
- OverscanType.b
- AutoScroll.b
- NoDrag.b
- Exclusive.b
- Interleaved.b
- SysDefault.b
- Behind.b
- AutoClose.b
- CloseGadget.b
- DummyWasForeign.b
- SystemPens.b[#PSD_MAXSYSPENS]
- Reserved.b[1+7*4-#PSD_MAXSYSPENS]
- _Palette.MUI_RGBcolor[#PSD_NUMCOLS] ;/Normally Palette (no _)
- rsvd2.MUI_PenSpec[#PSD_MAXMUIPENS]
- Changed.l
- *UserData.b
- node.MinNode
- *task.b ;/Normally .Task (Task structure from exec/tasks.h)
- sigbit.l
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Object Types for MUI_MakeObject()
- ;**************************************************************************
- #MUIO_Label = 1 ; STRPTR label, ULONG flags
- #MUIO_Button = 2 ; STRPTR label
- #MUIO_Checkmark = 3 ; STRPTR label
- #MUIO_Cycle = 4 ; STRPTR label, STRPTR *entries
- #MUIO_Radio = 5 ; STRPTR label, STRPTR *entries
- #MUIO_Slider = 6 ; STRPTR label, LONG min, LONG max
- #MUIO_String = 7 ; STRPTR label, LONG maxlen
- #MUIO_PopButton = 8 ; STRPTR imagespec
- #MUIO_HSpace = 9 ; LONG space
- #MUIO_VSpace = 10 ; LONG space
- #MUIO_HBar = 11 ; LONG space
- #MUIO_VBar = 12 ; LONG space
- #MUIO_MenustripNM = 13 ; struct NewMenu *nm, ULONG flags
- #MUIO_Menuitem = 14 ; STRPTR label, STRPTR shortcut, ULONG flags, ULONG data
- #MUIO_BarTitle = 15 ; STRPTR label
- #MUIO_NumericButton= 16 ; STRPTR label, LONG min, LONG max, STRPTR format
- #MUIO_Menuitem_CopyStrings = (1 LSL 30)
- #MUIO_Label_SingleFrame = (1 LSL 8)
- #MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame = (1 LSL 9)
- #MUIO_Label_LeftAligned = (1 LSL 10)
- #MUIO_Label_Centered = (1 LSL 11)
- #MUIO_Label_FreeVert = (1 LSL 12)
- #MUIO_MenustripNM_CommandKeyCheck = (1 LSL 0) ; check for "localized" menu items such as "O\0Open"
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** ARexx Interface
- ;**************************************************************************
- *mc_Name.b
- *mc_Template.b
- mc_Parameters.l
- *mc_Hook.b ;/Normally .Hook (Hook structure from utility/hook.h)
- mc_Reserved.l[5]
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Return values for MUI_Error()
- ;**************************************************************************
- #MUIE_OK = 0
- #MUIE_OutOfMemory = 1
- #MUIE_OutOfGfxMemory = 2
- #MUIE_InvalidWindowObject= 3
- #MUIE_MissingLibrary = 4
- #MUIE_NoARexx = 5
- #MUIE_SingleTask = 6
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Standard MUI Images & Backgrounds
- ;**************************************************************************
- #MUII_WindowBack = 0 ; These images are configured
- #MUII_RequesterBack = 1 ; with the preferences program.
- #MUII_ButtonBack = 2
- #MUII_ListBack = 3
- #MUII_TextBack = 4
- #MUII_PropBack = 5
- #MUII_PopupBack = 6
- #MUII_SelectedBack = 7
- #MUII_ListCursor = 8
- #MUII_ListSelect = 9
- #MUII_ListSelCur = 10
- #MUII_ArrowUp = 11
- #MUII_ArrowDown = 12
- #MUII_ArrowLeft = 13
- #MUII_ArrowRight = 14
- #MUII_CheckMark = 15
- #MUII_RadioButton = 16
- #MUII_Cycle = 17
- #MUII_PopUp = 18
- #MUII_PopFile = 19
- #MUII_PopDrawer = 20
- #MUII_PropKnob = 21
- #MUII_Drawer = 22
- #MUII_HardDisk = 23
- #MUII_Disk = 24
- #MUII_Chip = 25
- #MUII_Volume = 26
- #MUII_RegisterBack = 27
- #MUII_Network = 28
- #MUII_Assign = 29
- #MUII_TapePlay = 30
- #MUII_TapePlayBack = 31
- #MUII_TapePause = 32
- #MUII_TapeStop = 33
- #MUII_TapeRecord = 34
- #MUII_GroupBack = 35
- #MUII_SliderBack = 36
- #MUII_SliderKnob = 37
- #MUII_TapeUp = 38
- #MUII_TapeDown = 39
- #MUII_PageBack = 40
- #MUII_ReadListBack = 41
- #MUII_Count = 42
- #MUII_BACKGROUND = 128 ; These are direct color
- #MUII_SHADOW = 129 ; combinations and are not
- #MUII_SHINE = 130 ; affected by users prefs.
- #MUII_FILL = 131
- #MUII_SHADOWBACK = 132 ; Generally, you should
- #MUII_SHADOWFILL = 133 ; avoid using them. Better
- #MUII_SHADOWSHINE = 134 ; use one of the customized
- #MUII_FILLBACK = 135 ; images above.
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Special values for some methods
- ;**************************************************************************
- #MUIV_TriggerValue = $49893131
- #MUIV_NotTriggerValue = $49893133
- #MUIV_EveryTime = $49893131
- #MUIV_Notify_Self = 1
- #MUIV_Notify_Window = 2
- #MUIV_Notify_Application= 3
- #MUIV_Notify_Parent = 4
- #MUIV_Application_Save_ENV = 0
- #MUIV_Application_Save_ENVARC = -1
- #MUIV_Application_Load_ENV = 0
- #MUIV_Application_Load_ENVARC = -1
- #MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit = -1
- #MUIV_List_Insert_Top = 0
- #MUIV_List_Insert_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Insert_Sorted = -2
- #MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom = -3
- #MUIV_List_Remove_First = 0
- #MUIV_List_Remove_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Remove_Last = -2
- #MUIV_List_Remove_Selected = -3
- #MUIV_List_Select_Off = 0
- #MUIV_List_Select_On = 1
- #MUIV_List_Select_Toggle = 2
- #MUIV_List_Select_Ask = 3
- #MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Select_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Select_All = -2
- #MUIV_List_Redraw_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Redraw_All = -2
- #MUIV_List_Move_Top = 0
- #MUIV_List_Move_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Move_Bottom = -2
- #MUIV_List_Move_Next = -3 ; only valid for second parameter
- #MUIV_List_Move_Previous = -4 ; only valid for second parameter
- #MUIV_List_Exchange_Top = 0
- #MUIV_List_Exchange_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Exchange_Bottom = -2
- #MUIV_List_Exchange_Next = -3 ; only valid for second parameter
- #MUIV_List_Exchange_Previous = -4 ; only valid for second parameter
- #MUIV_List_Jump_Top = 0
- #MUIV_List_Jump_Active = -1
- #MUIV_List_Jump_Bottom = -2
- #MUIV_List_Jump_Up = -4
- #MUIV_List_Jump_Down = -3
- #MUIV_List_NextSelected_Start = -1
- #MUIV_List_NextSelected_End = -1
- #MUIV_DragQuery_Refuse = 0
- #MUIV_DragQuery_Accept = 1
- #MUIV_DragReport_Abort = 0
- #MUIV_DragReport_Continue = 1
- #MUIV_DragReport_Lock = 2
- #MUIV_DragReport_Refresh = 3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Control codes for text strings
- ;**************************************************************************
- #MUIX_R = $00589C24 ;"\033r" ; right justified
- #MUIX_C = $00589C34 ;"\033c" ; centered
- #MUIX_L = $00589C44 ;"\033l" ; left justified
- #MUIX_N = $00589C54 ;"\033n" ; normal
- #MUIX_B = $00589C64 ;"\033b" ; bold
- #MUIX_I = $00589C74 ;"\033i" ; italic
- #MUIX_U = $00589C84 ;"\033u" ; underlined
- #MUIX_PT = $00589C94 ;"\0332" ; text pen
- #MUIX_PH = $00589CA5 ;"\0338" ; highlight text pen
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;** Parameter structures for some classes
- ;**************************************************************************
- NEWTYPE.MUI_Palette_Entry
- mpe_ID.l
- mpe_Red.l
- mpe_Green.l
- mpe_Blue.l
- mpe_Group.l
- #MUIV_Palette_Entry_End = -1
- ;***************************
- ; Application Input Handler
- ;***************************
- NEWTYPE.MUI_InputHandlerNode
- ihn_Node.MinNode
- *ihn_Object.b ;/Normally .Object
- ihn_Signals.l ;/Normally this is ihn_stuff.ihn_sigs
- ihn_Flags.l
- ihn_Method.l
- NEWTYPE.MUI_InputHandlerNode_Timer
- ihn_Node.MinNode
- *ihn_Object.b ;/Normally .Object
- ihn_Millis.w ;/Normally this is ihn_stuff.ihn_timer.ihn_millis
- ihn_Current.w ;/Normally this is ihn_stuff.ihn_timer.ihn_current
- ihn_Flags.l ; see below
- ihn_Method.l
- ; Flags for ihn_Flags
- #MUIIHNF_TIMER = (1 LSL 0) ; set ihn_Ticks to number of 1/100 sec ticks you want to be triggered
- ;**********************
- ; Window Event Handler
- ;**********************
- NEWTYPE.MUI_EventHandlerNode
- ehn_Node.MinNode
- ehn_Reserved.b ; don't touch!
- ehn_Priority.b ; event handlers are inserted according to their priority.
- ehn_Flags.w ; certain flags, see below for definitions.
- *ehn_Object.b ; object which should receive MUIM_HandleEvent.
- ;/ ^ Normally .Object
- *ehn_Class.b ; if !=NULL, MUIM_HandleEvent is invoked on exactly this class with CoerceMethod().
- ;/ ^ Normally.IClass
- ehn_Events.l ; one or more IDCMP flags this handler should react on.
- ; flags for ehn_Flags
- ; other values reserved for future use
- ; return values for MUIM_HandleEvent (bit-masked, all other bits must be 0)
- #MUI_EventHandlerRC_Eat = (1 LSL 0) ; stop MUI from calling other handlers
- ;********************
- ; List Position Test
- ;********************
- NEWTYPE.MUI_List_TestPos_Result
- entry.l ; number of entry, -1 if mouse not over valid entry
- column.w ; numer of column, -1 if no valid column
- flags.w ; see below
- xoffset.w ; x offset of mouse click relative to column start
- yoffset.w ; y offset of mouse click from center of line
- ; (negative values mean click was above center,
- ; positive values mean click was below center)
- #MUI_LPR_ABOVE = (1 LSL 0)
- #MUI_LPR_BELOW = (1 LSL 1)
- #MUI_LPR_LEFT = (1 LSL 2)
- #MUI_LPR_RIGHT = (1 LSL 3)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Macro Section
- ;** -------------
- ;**
- ;** To make GUI creation more easy and understandable, you can use the
- ;** macros below. If you dont want, just define MUI_NOSHORTCUTS to disable
- ;** them.
- ;** /Set MUI_SHORTCUTS to 0 to not to have shortcuts
- ;**
- ;** These macros are available to C programmers only.
- ;** /For Blitz2, you have to use tags with them (see the doc)
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Object Generation
- ;** -----------------
- ;**
- ;** The xxxObject (and xChilds) macros generate new instances of MUI classes.
- ;** Every xxxObject can be followed by tagitems specifying initial create
- ;** time attributes for the new object and must be terminated with the
- ;** End macro:
- ;**
- ;** obj = StringObject,
- ;** MUIA_String_Contents, "foo",
- ;** MUIA_String_MaxLen , 40,
- ;** End;
- ;**
- ;** With the Child, SubWindow and WindowContents shortcuts you can
- ;** construct a complete GUI within one command:
- ;**
- ;** app = ApplicationObject,
- ;**
- ;** ...
- ;**
- ;** SubWindow, WindowObject,
- ;** WindowContents, VGroup,
- ;** Child, String("foo",40),
- ;** Child, String("bar",50),
- ;** Child, HGroup,
- ;** Child, CheckMark(TRUE),
- ;** Child, CheckMark(FALSE),
- ;** End,
- ;** End,
- ;** End,
- ;**
- ;** SubWindow, WindowObject,
- ;** WindowContents, HGroup,
- ;** Child, ...,
- ;** Child, ...,
- ;** End,
- ;** End,
- ;**
- ;** ...
- ;**
- ;** End;
- ;**
- ;** /xxxObject macros removed in Blitz interface
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/These macros are for special object creation
- ;/Use them with tags
- Macro MenuObjectT #MUIA_Menu_Title,&`1 : End Macro
- Macro HGroup #MUIA_Group_Horiz,1 : End Macro
- Macro ColGroup #MUIA_Group_Columns,(`1) : End Macro
- Macro RowGroup #MUIA_Group_Rows ,(`1) : End Macro
- Macro PageGroup #MUIA_Group_PageMode,1 : End Macro
- Macro HGroupV #MUIA_Group_Horiz,1 : End Macro
- Macro ColGroupV #MUIA_Group_Columns,(`1) : End Macro
- Macro RowGroupV #MUIA_Group_Rows ,(`1) : End Macro
- Macro PageGroupV #MUIA_Group_PageMode,1 : End Macro
- Macro RegisterGroup #MUIA_Register_Titles,(`1) : End Macro
- Macro _End 0 : End Macro
- ; / ^ Normally End (no _)
- #Child = $804226e6 ;=#MUIA_Group_Child
- #SubWindow = $8042bfe0 ;=#MUIA_Application_Window
- #WindowContents = $8042cba5 ;=#MUIA_Window_RootObject
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Frame Types
- ;** -----------
- ;**
- ;** These macros may be used to specify one of MUI's different frame types.
- ;** Note that every macro consists of one { ti_Tag, ti_Data } pair.
- ;**
- ;** GroupFrameT() is a special kind of frame that contains a centered
- ;** title text.
- ;**
- ;** HGroup, GroupFrameT("Horiz Groups"),
- ;** Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame , End,
- ;** Child, RectangleObject, StringFrame, End,
- ;** Child, RectangleObject, ButtonFrame, End,
- ;** Child, RectangleObject, ListFrame , End,
- ;** End,
- ;**
- ;**/Use next macros with tags
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro NoFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_None : End Macro
- Macro ButtonFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Button : End Macro
- Macro ImageButtonFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_ImageButton : End Macro
- Macro TextFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Text : End Macro
- Macro StringFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_String : End Macro
- Macro ReadListFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_ReadList : End Macro
- Macro InputListFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_InputList : End Macro
- Macro PropFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Prop : End Macro
- Macro SliderFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Slider : End Macro
- Macro GaugeFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Gauge : End Macro
- Macro VirtualFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Virtual : End Macro
- Macro GroupFrame #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Group : End Macro
- Macro GroupFrameT #MUIA_Frame, #MUIV_Frame_Group, #MUIA_FrameTitle, &`1, #MUIA_Background, #MUII_GroupBack : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Spacing Macros
- ;** --------------
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro HVSpace MUI_NewObjectA_("Rectangle.mui",0): End Macro
- Macro HSpace MUI_MakeObjectA_(#MUIO_HSpace,`1) : End Macro
- Macro VSpace MUI_MakeObjectA_(#MUIO_VSpace,`1) : End Macro
- ;/The macros HCenter and VCenter have been removed in BB2 interface
- ;/Please see the doc for more details
- Macro InnerSpacing #MUIA_InnerLeft,(`1),#MUIA_InnerRight,(`2),#MUIA_InnerTop,(`2),#MUIA_InnerBottom,(`2) : End Macro
- Macro GroupSpacing #MUIA_Group_Spacing,`1 : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** String-Object
- ;** -------------
- ;**
- ;** The following macro creates a simple string gadget.
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** CheckMark-Object
- ;** ----------------
- ;**
- ;** The following macro creates a checkmark gadget.
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Button-Objects
- ;** --------------
- ;**
- ;** Note: Use small letters for KeyButtons, e.g.
- ;** KeyButton("Cancel",'c') and not KeyButton("Cancel",'C') !!
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro SimpleButton MUI_MakeObjectA_(#MUIO_Button,&`1) : End Macro
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Cycle-Object
- ;** ------------
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Radio-Object
- ;** ------------
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Slider-Object
- ;** -------------
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Button to be used for popup objects
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro PopButton MUI_MakeObjectA_(#MUIO_PopButton,`1) : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Labeling Objects
- ;** ----------------
- ;**
- ;** Labeling objects, e.g. a group of string gadgets,
- ;**
- ;** Small: |foo |
- ;** Normal: |bar |
- ;** Big: |foobar|
- ;** Huge: |barfoo|
- ;**
- ;** is done using a 2 column group:
- ;**
- ;** ColGroup(2),
- ;** Child, Label2("Small:" ),
- ;** Child, StringObject, End,
- ;** Child, Label2("Normal:"),
- ;** Child, StringObject, End,
- ;** Child, Label2("Big:" ),
- ;** Child, StringObject, End,
- ;** Child, Label2("Huge:" ),
- ;** Child, StringObject, End,
- ;** End,
- ;**
- ;** Note that we have three versions of the label macro, depending on
- ;** the frame type of the right hand object:
- ;**
- ;** Label1(): For use with standard frames (e.g. checkmarks).
- ;** Label2(): For use with double high frames (e.g. string gadgets).
- ;** Label() : For use with objects without a frame.
- ;**
- ;** These macros ensure that your label will look fine even if the
- ;** user of your application configured some strange spacing values.
- ;** If you want to use your own labeling, you'll have to pay attention
- ;** on this topic yourself.
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** Controlling Objects
- ;** -------------------
- ;**
- ;** set() and get() are two short stubs for BOOPSI GetAttr() and SetAttrs()
- ;** calls:
- ;**
- ;** {
- ;** char *x;
- ;**
- ;** set(obj,MUIA_String_Contents,"foobar");
- ;** get(obj,MUIA_String_Contents,&x);
- ;**
- ;** printf("gadget contains '%s'\n",x);
- ;** }
- ;**
- ;** nnset() sets an attribute without triggering a possible notification.
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (see the doc)
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** For Boopsi Image Implementors Only:
- ;**
- ;** If MUI is using a boopsi image object, it will send a special method
- ;** immediately after object creation. This method has a parameter structure
- ;** where the boopsi can fill in its minimum and maximum size and learn if
- ;** its used in a horizontal or vertical context.
- ;**
- ;** The boopsi image must use the method id (MUIM_BoopsiQuery) as return
- ;** value. That's how MUI sees that the method is implemented.
- ;**
- ;** Note: MUI does not depend on this method. If the boopsi image doesn't
- ;** implement it, minimum size will be 0 and maximum size unlimited.
- ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- #MUIM_BoopsiQuery = $80427157 ; this is send to the boopsi and
- ; must be used as return value
- NEWTYPE.MUI_BoopsiQuery ; parameter structure
- mbq_MethodID.l ; always MUIM_BoopsiQuery
- *mbq_Screen.b ; obsolete, use mbq_RenderInfo
- ;/Normally .Screen ^
- mbq_Flags.l ; read only, see below
- mbq_MinWidth.l ; write only, fill in min width
- mbq_MinHeight.l ; write only, fill in min height
- mbq_MaxWidth.l ; write only, fill in max width
- mbq_MaxHeight.l ; write only, fill in max height
- mbq_DefWidth.l ; write only, fill in def width
- mbq_DefHeight.l ; write only, fill in def height
- *mbq_RenderInfo.MUI_RenderInfo ; read only, display context
- ; may grow in future ...
- #MBQF_HORIZ = (1 LSL 0) ; object used in a horizontal
- ; context (else vertical)
- #MBQ_MUI_MAXMAX = (10000) ; use this for unlimited MaxWidth/Height
- ;*****************************************
- ; Begin of automatic header file creation
- ;*****************************************
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Notify *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Notify "Notify.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_CallHook = $8042b96b ; V4
- #MUIM_Export = $80420f1c ; V12
- #MUIM_FindUData = $8042c196 ; V8
- #MUIM_GetConfigItem = $80423edb ; V11
- #MUIM_GetUData = $8042ed0c ; V8
- #MUIM_Import = $8042d012 ; V12
- #MUIM_KillNotify = $8042d240 ; V4
- #MUIM_KillNotifyObj = $8042b145 ; V16
- #MUIM_MultiSet = $8042d356 ; V7
- #MUIM_NoNotifySet = $8042216f ; V9
- #MUIM_Notify = $8042c9cb ; V4
- #MUIM_Set = $8042549a ; V4
- #MUIM_SetAsString = $80422590 ; V4
- #MUIM_SetUData = $8042c920 ; V8
- #MUIM_SetUDataOnce = $8042ca19 ; V11
- #MUIM_WriteLong = $80428d86 ; V6
- #MUIM_WriteString = $80424bf4 ; V6
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_CallHook MethodID.l: *Hook.b: param1.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Hook (utility/hooks.h) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Export MethodID.l: *dataspace.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_FindUData MethodID.l: udata.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_GetConfigItem MethodID.l: id.l: *storage.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_GetUData MethodID.l:udata.l:attr.l:*storage.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Import MethodID.l:*dataspace.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_KillNotify MethodID.l:TrigAttr.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_KillNotifyObj MethodID.l:TrigAttr.l:*dest.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_MultiSet MethodID.l:attr.l:_val.l:*obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally val (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_NoNotifySet MethodID.l: attr.l:*_format.b:_val.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally val and format (no _) ^ ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Notify MethodID.l: TrigAttr.l:TrigVal.l:*DestObj.b:FollowParams.l:End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Set MethodID.l:attr.l:_val.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally val (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_SetAsString MethodID.l:attr.l:*_format.b:_val.l:End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally format and val (no _) ^ ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_SetUData MethodID.l: udata.l:attr.l:_val.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally val (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_SetUDataOnce MethodID.l:udata.l:attr.l:_val.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally val (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_WriteLong MethodID.l:_val.l:*memory.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally val (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_WriteString MethodID.l: *str.b: *memory.b : End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_ApplicationObject = $8042d3ee ; V4 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_AppMessage = $80421955 ; V5 ..g struct AppMessage *
- #MUIA_HelpLine = $8042a825 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_HelpNode = $80420b85 ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_NoNotify = $804237f9 ; V7 .s. BOOL
- #MUIA_ObjectID = $8042d76e ; V11 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Parent = $8042e35f ; V11 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_Revision = $80427eaa ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_UserData = $80420313 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Version = $80422301 ; V4 ..g LONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Family *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Family "Family.mui" : End Macro : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Family_AddHead = $8042e200 ; V8
- #MUIM_Family_AddTail = $8042d752 ; V8
- #MUIM_Family_Insert = $80424d34 ; V8
- #MUIM_Family_Remove = $8042f8a9 ; V8
- #MUIM_Family_Sort = $80421c49 ; V8
- #MUIM_Family_Transfer = $8042c14a ; V8
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Family_AddHead MethodID.l: *obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Family_AddTail MethodID.l: *obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Family_Insert MethodID.l: *obj.b : *pred.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^ ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Family_Remove MethodID.l: *obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Family_Sort MethodID.l: *obj.b[1] : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Family_Transfer MethodID.l: *family.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Family_Child = $8042c696 ; V8 i.. Object *
- #MUIA_Family_List = $80424b9e ; V8 ..g struct MinList *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Menustrip *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Menustrip "Menustrip.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Menustrip_Enabled = $8042815b ; V8 isg BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Menu *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Menu "Menu.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Menu_Enabled = $8042ed48 ; V8 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Menu_Title = $8042a0e3 ; V8 isg STRPTR
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Menuitem *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Menuitem "Menuitem.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Checked = $8042562a ; V8 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Checkit = $80425ace ; V8 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Menuitem_CommandString = $8042b9cc ; V16 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled = $8042ae0f ; V8 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Exclude = $80420bc6 ; V8 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut = $80422030 ; V8 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Title = $804218be ; V8 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Toggle = $80424d5c ; V8 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Menuitem_Trigger = $80426f32 ; V8 ..g struct MenuItem *
- #MUIV_Menuitem_Shortcut_Check = -1
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Application *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Application "Application.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Application_AboutMUI = $8042d21d ; V14
- #MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler = $8042f099 ; V11
- #MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh = $80424d68 ; V11
- #MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck = $8042c0a7 ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_GetMenuState = $8042a58f ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_Input = $8042d0f5 ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_InputBuffered = $80427e59 ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_Load = $8042f90d ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_NewInput = $80423ba6 ; V11
- #MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow = $804299ba ; V11
- #MUIM_Application_PushMethod = $80429ef8 ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler = $8042e7af ; V11
- #MUIM_Application_ReturnID = $804276ef ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_Save = $804227ef ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem = $80424a80 ; V11
- #MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck = $8042a707 ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_SetMenuState = $80428bef ; V4
- #MUIM_Application_ShowHelp = $80426479 ; V4
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_AboutMUI MethodID.l: *refwindow.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_AddInputHandler MethodID.l:*ihnode.MUI_InputHandlerNode : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_CheckRefresh MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_GetMenuCheck MethodID.l:MenuID.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_GetMenuState MethodID.l:MenuID.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_Input MethodID.l: *signal.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_InputBuffered MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_Load MethodID.l: *name.b : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_NewInput MethodID.l: *signal.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_OpenConfigWindow MethodID.l:flags.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_PushMethod MethodID.l:*dest.b:count.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_RemInputHandler MethodID.l:*ihnode.MUI_InputHandlerNode : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_ReturnID MethodID.l: retid.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_Save MethodID.l: *name.b : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_SetConfigItem MethodID.l:item.l: *_data.b: : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally data (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_SetMenuCheck MethodID.l:MenuID.l:stat.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_SetMenuState MethodID.l:MenuID.l:stat.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Application_ShowHelp MethodID.l:*_window.b:*name.b:*node.b:_line.l: End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- ;/Normally window and line (no _) ^ ^
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Application_Active = $804260ab ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_Author = $80424842 ; V4 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_Base = $8042e07a ; V4 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_Broker = $8042dbce ; V4 ..g Broker *
- #MUIA_Application_BrokerHook = $80428f4b ; V4 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Application_BrokerPort = $8042e0ad ; V6 ..g struct MsgPort *
- #MUIA_Application_BrokerPri = $8042c8d0 ; V6 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Application_Commands = $80428648 ; V4 isg struct MUI_Command *
- #MUIA_Application_Copyright = $8042ef4d ; V4 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_Description = $80421fc6 ; V4 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_DiskObject = $804235cb ; V4 isg struct DiskObject *
- #MUIA_Application_DoubleStart = $80423bc6 ; V4 ..g BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_DropObject = $80421266 ; V5 is. Object *
- #MUIA_Application_ForceQuit = $804257df ; V8 ..g BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_HelpFile = $804293f4 ; V8 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_Iconified = $8042a07f ; V4 .sg BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_Menu = $80420e1f ; V4 i.g struct NewMenu *
- #MUIA_Application_MenuAction = $80428961 ; V4 ..g ULONG
- #MUIA_Application_MenuHelp = $8042540b ; V4 ..g ULONG
- #MUIA_Application_Menustrip = $804252d9 ; V8 i.. Object *
- #MUIA_Application_RexxHook = $80427c42 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Application_RexxMsg = $8042fd88 ; V4 ..g struct RxMsg *
- #MUIA_Application_RexxString = $8042d711 ; V4 .s. STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_SingleTask = $8042a2c8 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_Sleep = $80425711 ; V4 .s. BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_Title = $804281b8 ; V4 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_UseCommodities = $80425ee5 ; V10 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_UseRexx = $80422387 ; V10 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Application_Version = $8042b33f ; V4 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Application_Window = $8042bfe0 ; V4 i.. Object *
- #MUIA_Application_WindowList = $80429abe ; V13 ..g struct List *
- #MUIV_Application_Package_NetConnect = $a3ff7b49
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Window *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Window "Window.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Window_AddEventHandler = $804203b7 ; V16
- #MUIM_Window_GetMenuCheck = $80420414 ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_GetMenuState = $80420d2f ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_RemEventHandler = $8042679e ; V16
- #MUIM_Window_ScreenToBack = $8042913d ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_ScreenToFront = $804227a4 ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain = $80426510 ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_SetMenuCheck = $80422243 ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_SetMenuState = $80422b5e ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_Snapshot = $8042945e ; V11
- #MUIM_Window_ToBack = $8042152e ; V4
- #MUIM_Window_ToFront = $8042554f ; V4
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_AddEventHandler MethodID.l:*ehnode.MUI_EventHandlerNode : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_GetMenuCheck MethodID.l: MenuID.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_GetMenuState MethodID.l: MenuID.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_RemEventHandler MethodID.l:*ehnode.MUI_EventHandlerNode : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_ScreenToBack MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_ScreenToFront MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_SetCycleChain MethodID.l: *obj.b[1] : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_SetMenuCheck MethodID.l: MenuID.l: stat.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_SetMenuState MethodID.l: MenuID.l: stat.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_Snapshot MethodID.l: flags.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_ToBack MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Window_ToFront MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Window_Activate = $80428d2f ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_ActiveObject = $80427925 ; V4 .sg Object *
- #MUIA_Window_AltHeight = $8042cce3 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_AltLeftEdge = $80422d65 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_AltTopEdge = $8042e99b ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_AltWidth = $804260f4 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_AppWindow = $804280cf ; V5 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Backdrop = $8042c0bb ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Borderless = $80429b79 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_CloseGadget = $8042a110 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_CloseRequest = $8042e86e ; V4 ..g BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_DefaultObject = $804294d7 ; V4 isg Object *
- #MUIA_Window_DepthGadget = $80421923 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_DragBar = $8042045d ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_FancyDrawing = $8042bd0e ; V8 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Height = $80425846 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_ID = $804201bd ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Window_InputEvent = $804247d8 ; V4 ..g struct InputEvent *
- #MUIA_Window_IsSubWindow = $8042b5aa ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_LeftEdge = $80426c65 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_Menu = $8042db94 ; V4 i.. struct NewMenu *
- #MUIA_Window_MenuAction = $80427521 ; V8 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Window_Menustrip = $8042855e ; V8 i.g Object *
- #MUIA_Window_MouseObject = $8042bf9b ; V10 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_Window_NeedsMouseObject = $8042372a ; V10 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_NoMenus = $80429df5 ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Open = $80428aa0 ; V4 .sg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_PublicScreen = $804278e4 ; V6 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Window_RefWindow = $804201f4 ; V4 is. Object *
- #MUIA_Window_RootObject = $8042cba5 ; V4 isg Object *
- #MUIA_Window_Screen = $8042df4f ; V4 isg struct Screen *
- #MUIA_Window_ScreenTitle = $804234b0 ; V5 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Window_SizeGadget = $8042e33d ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_SizeRight = $80424780 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Sleep = $8042e7db ; V4 .sg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Title = $8042ad3d ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Window_TopEdge = $80427c66 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_UseBottomBorderScroller = $80424e79 ; V13 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_UseLeftBorderScroller = $8042433e ; V13 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_UseRightBorderScroller = $8042c05e ; V13 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Window_Width = $8042dcae ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_Window_Window = $80426a42 ; V4 ..g struct Window *
- #MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_None = 0
- #MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_Next = -1
- #MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_Prev = -2
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltHeight_MinMax (0-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltHeight_Visible (-100-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltHeight_Screen (-200-(`1)) : End Macro
- #MUIV_Window_AltHeight_Scaled = -1000
- #MUIV_Window_AltLeftEdge_Centered = -1
- #MUIV_Window_AltLeftEdge_Moused = -2
- #MUIV_Window_AltLeftEdge_NoChange = -1000
- #MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_Centered = -1
- #MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_Moused = -2
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_Delta (-3-(`1)) : End Macro
- #MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_NoChange = -1000
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltWidth_MinMax (0-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltWidth_Visible (-100-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_AltWidth_Screen (-200-(`1)) : End Macro
- #MUIV_Window_AltWidth_Scaled = -1000
- Macro MUIV_Window_Height_MinMax (0-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_Height_Visible (-100-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_Height_Screen (-200-(`1)) : End Macro
- #MUIV_Window_Height_Scaled =-1000
- #MUIV_Window_Height_Default= -1001
- #MUIV_Window_LeftEdge_Centered =-1
- #MUIV_Window_LeftEdge_Moused =-2
- #MUIV_Window_Menu_NoMenu =-1
- #MUIV_Window_TopEdge_Centered= -1
- #MUIV_Window_TopEdge_Moused =-2
- Macro MUIV_Window_TopEdge_Delta (-3-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_Width_MinMax (0-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_Width_Visible (-100-(`1)) : End Macro
- Macro MUIV_Window_Width_Screen (-200-(`1)) : End Macro
- #MUIV_Window_Width_Scaled =-1000
- #MUIV_Window_Width_Default= -1001
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Aboutmui *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Aboutmui "Aboutmui.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Aboutmui_Application = $80422523 ; V11 i.. Object *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Area *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Area "Area.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_AskMinMax = $80423874 ; Custom Class ; V4
- #MUIM_Cleanup = $8042d985 ; Custom Class ; V4
- #MUIM_ContextMenuBuild = $80429d2e ; V11
- #MUIM_ContextMenuChoice = $80420f0e ; V11
- #MUIM_CreateBubble = $80421c41 ; V18
- #MUIM_CreateShortHelp = $80428e93 ; V11
- #MUIM_DeleteBubble = $804211af ; V18
- #MUIM_DeleteShortHelp = $8042d35a ; V11
- #MUIM_DragBegin = $8042c03a ; V11
- #MUIM_DragDrop = $8042c555 ; V11
- #MUIM_DragFinish = $804251f0 ; V11
- #MUIM_DragQuery = $80420261 ; V11
- #MUIM_DragReport = $8042edad ; V11
- #MUIM_Draw = $80426f3f ; Custom Class ; V4
- #MUIM_DrawBackground = $804238ca ; V11
- #MUIM_HandleEvent = $80426d66 ; Custom Class ; V16
- #MUIM_HandleInput = $80422a1a ; Custom Class ; V4
- #MUIM_Hide = $8042f20f ; Custom Class ; V4
- #MUIM_Setup = $80428354 ; Custom Class ; V4
- #MUIM_Show = $8042cc84 ; Custom Class ; V4
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_AskMinMax MethodID.l: *MinMaxInfo.MUI_MinMax : End NEWTYPE ; Custom Class
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Cleanup MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE ; Custom Class
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_ContextMenuBuild MethodID.l: mx.l:my.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_ContextMenuChoice MethodID.l: *item.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_CreateBubble MethodID.l:x.l:y.l:*txt.b: flags.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_CreateShortHelp MethodID.l: mx.l: my.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DeleteBubble MethodID.l: *bubble.b : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DeleteShortHelp MethodID.l: *help.b : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DragBegin MethodID.l: *obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DragDrop MethodID.l: *obj.b:x.l:y.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DragFinish MethodID.l: *obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DragQuery MethodID.l: *obj.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DragReport MethodID.l: *obj.b:x.l:y.l:update.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Draw MethodID.l: flags.l : End NEWTYPE ; Custom Class
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_DrawBackground MethodID.l:left.l:top.l:width.l:height.l:xoffset.l:yoffset.l:flags.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_HandleEvent MethodID.l:*imsg.b:muikey.l : End NEWTYPE ; Custom Clas
- ;/Normally .IntuiMessage ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_HandleInput MethodID.l:*imsg.b:muikey.l : End NEWTYPE ; Custom Clas
- ;/Normally .IntuiMessage ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Hide MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE ; Custom Class
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Setup MethodID.l:*RenderInfo.MUI_RenderInfo : End NEWTYPE ; Custom Class
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Show MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE ; Custom Class
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Background = $8042545b ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_BottomEdge = $8042e552 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_ContextMenu = $8042b704 ; V11 isg Object *
- #MUIA_ContextMenuTrigger = $8042a2c1 ; V11 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_ControlChar = $8042120b ; V4 isg char
- #MUIA_CycleChain = $80421ce7 ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Disabled = $80423661 ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Draggable = $80420b6e ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Dropable = $8042fbce ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_ExportID = $8042d76e ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_FillArea = $804294a3 ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_FixHeight = $8042a92b ; V4 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_FixHeightTxt = $804276f2 ; V4 i.. STRPTR
- #MUIA_FixWidth = $8042a3f1 ; V4 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_FixWidthTxt = $8042d044 ; V4 i.. STRPTR
- #MUIA_Font = $8042be50 ; V4 i.g struct TextFont *
- #MUIA_Frame = $8042ac64 ; V4 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_FramePhantomHoriz = $8042ed76 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_FrameTitle = $8042d1c7 ; V4 i.. STRPTR
- #MUIA_Height = $80423237 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_HorizDisappear = $80429615 ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_HorizWeight = $80426db9 ; V4 isg WORD
- #MUIA_InnerBottom = $8042f2c0 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_InnerLeft = $804228f8 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_InnerRight = $804297ff ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_InnerTop = $80421eb6 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_InputMode = $8042fb04 ; V4 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_LeftEdge = $8042bec6 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_MaxHeight = $804293e4 ; V11 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_MaxWidth = $8042f112 ; V11 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_Pressed = $80423535 ; V4 ..g BOOL
- #MUIA_RightEdge = $8042ba82 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Selected = $8042654b ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_ShortHelp = $80428fe3 ; V11 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_ShowMe = $80429ba8 ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_ShowSelState = $8042caac ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Timer = $80426435 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_TopEdge = $8042509b ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_VertDisappear = $8042d12f ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_VertWeight = $804298d0 ; V4 isg WORD
- #MUIA_Weight = $80421d1f ; V4 i.. WORD
- #MUIA_Width = $8042b59c ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Window = $80421591 ; V4 ..g struct Window *
- #MUIA_WindowObject = $8042669e ; V4 ..g Object *
- #MUIV_Font_Inherit =0
- #MUIV_Font_Normal =-1
- #MUIV_Font_List =-2
- #MUIV_Font_Tiny =-3
- #MUIV_Font_Fixed =-4
- #MUIV_Font_Title =-5
- #MUIV_Font_Big =-6
- #MUIV_Font_Button =-7
- #MUIV_Frame_None =0
- #MUIV_Frame_Button =1
- #MUIV_Frame_ImageButton= 2
- #MUIV_Frame_Text =3
- #MUIV_Frame_String =4
- #MUIV_Frame_ReadList= 5
- #MUIV_Frame_InputList= 6
- #MUIV_Frame_Prop =7
- #MUIV_Frame_Gauge =8
- #MUIV_Frame_Group =9
- #MUIV_Frame_PopUp =10
- #MUIV_Frame_Virtual= 11
- #MUIV_Frame_Slider =12
- #MUIV_Frame_Count =13
- #MUIV_InputMode_None =0
- #MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify =1
- #MUIV_InputMode_Immediate =2
- #MUIV_InputMode_Toggle =3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Rectangle *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Rectangle "Rectangle.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Rectangle_BarTitle = $80426689 ; V11 i.g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Rectangle_HBar = $8042c943 ; V7 i.g BOOL
- #MUIA_Rectangle_VBar = $80422204 ; V7 i.g BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Balance *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Balance "Balance.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Image *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Image "Image.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Image_FontMatch = $8042815d ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Image_FontMatchHeight = $80429f26 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Image_FontMatchWidth = $804239bf ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Image_FreeHoriz = $8042da84 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Image_FreeVert = $8042ea28 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Image_OldImage = $80424f3d ; V4 i.. struct Image *
- #MUIA_Image_Spec = $804233d5 ; V4 i.. char *
- #MUIA_Image_State = $8042a3ad ; V4 is. LONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Bitmap *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Bitmap "Bitmap.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Bitmap_Bitmap = $804279bd ; V8 isg struct BitMap *
- #MUIA_Bitmap_Height = $80421560 ; V8 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Bitmap_MappingTable = $8042e23d ; V8 isg UBYTE *
- #MUIA_Bitmap_Precision = $80420c74 ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Bitmap_RemappedBitmap = $80423a47 ; V11 ..g struct BitMap *
- #MUIA_Bitmap_SourceColors = $80425360 ; V8 isg ULONG *
- #MUIA_Bitmap_Transparent = $80422805 ; V8 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Bitmap_UseFriend = $804239d8 ; V11 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Bitmap_Width = $8042eb3a ; V8 isg LONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Bodychunk *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Bodychunk "Bodychunk.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Bodychunk_Body = $8042ca67 ; V8 isg UBYTE *
- #MUIA_Bodychunk_Compression = $8042de5f ; V8 isg UBYTE
- #MUIA_Bodychunk_Depth = $8042c392 ; V8 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Bodychunk_Masking = $80423b0e ; V8 isg UBYTE
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Text *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Text "Text.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Text_Contents = $8042f8Dc ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Text_HiChar = $804218ff ; V4 i.. char
- #MUIA_Text_PreParse = $8042566d ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Text_SetMax = $80424d0a ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Text_SetMin = $80424e10 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Text_SetVMax = $80420d8b ; V11 i.. BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Gadget *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Gadget "Gadget.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Gadget_Gadget = $8042ec1a ; V11 ..g struct Gadget *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* String *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_String "String.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_String_Accept = $8042e3e1 ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_String_Acknowledge = $8042026c ; V4 ..g STRPTR
- #MUIA_String_AdvanceOnCR = $804226de ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_String_AttachedList = $80420fd2 ; V4 isg Object *
- #MUIA_String_BufferPos = $80428b6c ; V4 .sg LONG
- #MUIA_String_Contents = $80428ffd ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_String_DisplayPos = $8042ccbf ; V4 .sg LONG
- #MUIA_String_EditHook = $80424c33 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_String_Format = $80427484 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_String_Integer = $80426e8a ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_String_LonelyEditHook = $80421569 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_String_MaxLen = $80424984 ; V4 i.g LONG
- #MUIA_String_Reject = $8042179c ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_String_Secret = $80428769 ; V4 i.g BOOL
- #MUIV_String_Format_Left =0
- #MUIV_String_Format_Center =1
- #MUIV_String_Format_Right =2
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Boopsi *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Boopsi "Boopsi.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Boopsi_Class = $80426999 ; V4 isg struct IClass *
- #MUIA_Boopsi_ClassID = $8042bfa3 ; V4 isg char *
- #MUIA_Boopsi_MaxHeight = $8042757f ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_MaxWidth = $8042bcb1 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_MinHeight = $80422c93 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_MinWidth = $80428fb2 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_Object = $80420178 ; V4 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_Boopsi_Remember = $8042f4bd ; V4 i.. ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_Smart = $8042b8d7 ; V9 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Boopsi_TagDrawInfo = $8042bae7 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_TagScreen = $8042bc71 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Boopsi_TagWindow = $8042e11d ; V4 isg ULONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Prop *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Prop "Prop.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Prop_Decrease = $80420dd1 ; V16
- #MUIM_Prop_Increase = $8042cac0 ; V16
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Prop_Decrease MethodID.l:amount.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Prop_Increase MethodID.l:amount.l : End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Prop_Entries = $8042fbdb ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Prop_First = $8042d4b2 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Prop_Horiz = $8042f4f3 ; V4 i.g BOOL
- #MUIA_Prop_Slider = $80429c3a ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Prop_UseWinBorder = $8042deee ; V13 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_Prop_Visible = $8042fea6 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIV_Prop_UseWinBorder_None =0
- #MUIV_Prop_UseWinBorder_Left =1
- #MUIV_Prop_UseWinBorder_Right= 2
- #MUIV_Prop_UseWinBorder_Bottom= 3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Gauge *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Gauge "Gauge.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Gauge_Current = $8042f0dd ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Gauge_Divide = $8042d8df ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Gauge_Horiz = $804232dd ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Gauge_InfoText = $8042bf15 ; V7 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Gauge_Max = $8042bcdb ; V4 isg LONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Scale *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Scale "Scale.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Scale_Horiz = $8042919a ; V4 isg BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Colorfield *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Colorfield "Colorfield.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Colorfield_Blue = $8042d3b0 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Colorfield_Green = $80424466 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Colorfield_Pen = $8042713a ; V4 ..g ULONG
- #MUIA_Colorfield_Red = $804279f6 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Colorfield_RGB = $8042677a ; V4 isg ULONG *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* List *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_List "List.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_List_Clear = $8042ad89 ; V4
- #MUIM_List_CreateImage = $80429804 ; V11
- #MUIM_List_DeleteImage = $80420f58 ; V11
- #MUIM_List_Exchange = $8042468c ; V4
- #MUIM_List_GetEntry = $804280ec ; V4
- #MUIM_List_Insert = $80426c87 ; V4
- #MUIM_List_InsertSingle = $804254d5 ; V7
- #MUIM_List_Jump = $8042baab ; V4
- #MUIM_List_Move = $804253c2 ; V9
- #MUIM_List_NextSelected = $80425f17 ; V6
- #MUIM_List_Redraw = $80427993 ; V4
- #MUIM_List_Remove = $8042647e ; V4
- #MUIM_List_Select = $804252d8 ; V4
- #MUIM_List_Sort = $80422275 ; V4
- #MUIM_List_TestPos = $80425f48 ; V11
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Clear MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_CreateImage MethodID.l: *obj.b:flags.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_DeleteImage MethodID.l:*listimg.b : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Exchange MethodID.l:pos1.l:pos2.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_GetEntry MethodID.l:pos.l:*entry.b : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Insert MethodID.l:*entries.b:count.l:pos.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_InsertSingle MethodID.l:*entry.b:pos.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Jump MethodID.l:pos.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Move MethodID.l:from.l:_to.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally to (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_NextSelected MethodID.l:*pos.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Redraw MethodID.l:pos.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Remove MethodID.l:pos.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Select MethodID.l:pos.l:seltype.l:*state.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_Sort MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_List_TestPos MethodID.l:x.l:y.l:*res.MUI_List_TestPos_Result : End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_List_Active = $8042391c ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_List_AdjustHeight = $8042850d ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_List_AdjustWidth = $8042354a ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_List_AutoVisible = $8042a445 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_List_CompareHook = $80425c14 ; V4 is. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_List_ConstructHook = $8042894f ; V4 is. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_List_DestructHook = $804297ce ; V4 is. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_List_DisplayHook = $8042b4d5 ; V4 is. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_List_DragSortable = $80426099 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_List_DropMark = $8042aba6 ; V11 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_List_Entries = $80421654 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_List_First = $804238d4 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_List_Format = $80423c0a ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_List_InsertPosition = $8042d0cd ; V9 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_List_MinLineHeight = $8042d1c3 ; V4 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_List_MultiTestHook = $8042c2c6 ; V4 is. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_List_Pool = $80423431 ; V13 i.. APTR
- #MUIA_List_PoolPuddleSize = $8042a4eb ; V13 i.. ULONG
- #MUIA_List_PoolThreshSize = $8042c48c ; V13 i.. ULONG
- #MUIA_List_Quiet = $8042d8c7 ; V4 .s. BOOL
- #MUIA_List_ShowDropMarks = $8042c6f3 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_List_SourceArray = $8042c0a0 ; V4 i.. APTR
- #MUIA_List_Title = $80423e66 ; V6 isg char *
- #MUIA_List_Visible = $8042191f ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIV_List_Active_Off =-1
- #MUIV_List_Active_Top =-2
- #MUIV_List_Active_Bottom =-3
- #MUIV_List_Active_Up =-4
- #MUIV_List_Active_Down =-5
- #MUIV_List_Active_PageUp =-6
- #MUIV_List_Active_PageDown =-7
- #MUIV_List_ConstructHook_String =-1
- #MUIV_List_CopyHook_String =-1
- #MUIV_List_CursorType_None =0
- #MUIV_List_CursorType_Bar =1
- #MUIV_List_CursorType_Rect =2
- #MUIV_List_DestructHook_String =-1
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Floattext *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Floattext "Floattext.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Floattext_Justify = $8042Dc03 ; V4 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Floattext_SkipChars = $80425c7d ; V4 is. STRPTR
- #MUIA_Floattext_TabSize = $80427d17 ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_Floattext_Text = $8042d16a ; V4 isg STRPTR
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Volumelist *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Volumelist "Volumelist.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Scrmodelist *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Scrmodelist "Scrmodelist.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Dirlist *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Dirlist "Dirlist.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Dirlist_ReRead = $80422d71 ; V4
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dirlist_ReRead MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern = $8042760a ; V4 is. STRPTR
- #MUIA_Dirlist_Directory = $8042ea41 ; V4 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Dirlist_DrawersOnly = $8042b379 ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Dirlist_FilesOnly = $8042896a ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers = $80424ad2 ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Dirlist_FilterHook = $8042ae19 ; V4 is. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Dirlist_MultiSelDirs = $80428653 ; V6 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Dirlist_NumBytes = $80429e26 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Dirlist_NumDrawers = $80429cb8 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Dirlist_NumFiles = $8042a6f0 ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Dirlist_Path = $80426176 ; V4 ..g STRPTR
- #MUIA_Dirlist_RejectIcons = $80424808 ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern = $804259c7 ; V4 is. STRPTR
- #MUIA_Dirlist_SortDirs = $8042bbb9 ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_Dirlist_SortHighLow = $80421896 ; V4 is. BOOL
- #MUIA_Dirlist_SortType = $804228bc ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_Dirlist_Status = $804240de ; V4 ..g LONG
- #MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_First =0
- #MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_Last =1
- #MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_Mix =2
- #MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Name =0
- #MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Date =1
- #MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Size =2
- #MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Invalid =0
- #MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Reading =1
- #MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Valid =2
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Numeric *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Numeric "Numeric.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Numeric_Decrease = $804243a7 ; V11
- #MUIM_Numeric_Increase = $80426ecd ; V11
- #MUIM_Numeric_ScaleToValue = $8042032c ; V11
- #MUIM_Numeric_SetDefault = $8042ab0a ; V11
- #MUIM_Numeric_Stringify = $80424891 ; V11
- #MUIM_Numeric_ValueToScale = $80423e4f ; V11
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Numeric_Decrease MethodID.l:amount.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Numeric_Increase MethodID.l:amount.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Numeric_ScaleToValue MethodID.l:scalemin.l:scalemax.l:_scale.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally scale (no _) ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Numeric_SetDefault MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Numeric_Stringify MethodID.l:value.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Numeric_ValueToScale MethodID.l:scalemin.l:scalemax.l : End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Numeric_CheckAllSizes = $80421594 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Numeric_Default = $804263e8 ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Numeric_Format = $804263e9 ; V11 isg STRPTR
- #MUIA_Numeric_Max = $8042d78a ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Numeric_Min = $8042e404 ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Numeric_Reverse = $8042f2a0 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Numeric_RevLeftRight = $804294a7 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Numeric_RevUpDown = $804252dd ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Numeric_Value = $8042ae3a ; V11 isg LONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Knob *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Knob "Knob.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Levelmeter *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Levelmeter "Levelmeter.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Levelmeter_Label = $80420dd5 ; V11 isg STRPTR
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Numericbutton *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Numericbutton "Numericbutton.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Slider *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Slider "Slider.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Slider_Horiz = $8042fad1 ; V11 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Slider_Level = $8042ae3a ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Slider_Max = $8042d78a ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Slider_Min = $8042e404 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Slider_Quiet = $80420b26 ; V6 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Slider_Reverse = $8042f2a0 ; V4 isg BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Framedisplay *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Framedisplay "Framedisplay.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Popframe *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Popframe "Popframe.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Imagedisplay *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Imagedisplay "Imagedisplay.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Popimage *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Popimage "Popimage.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Pendisplay *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Pendisplay "Pendisplay.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Pendisplay_SetColormap = $80426c80 ; V13
- #MUIM_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen = $8042039d ; V13
- #MUIM_Pendisplay_SetRGB = $8042c131 ; V13
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Pendisplay_SetColormap MethodID.l:colormap.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen MethodID.l:muipen.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Pendisplay_SetRGB MethodID.l:_red.l:_green.l:_blue.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally red, green and blue (no _) ^ ^ ^
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Pendisplay_Pen = $8042a748 ; V13 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_Pendisplay_Reference = $8042Dc24 ; V13 isg Object *
- #MUIA_Pendisplay_RGBcolor = $8042a1a9 ; V11 isg struct MUI_RGBcolor *
- #MUIA_Pendisplay_Spec = $8042a204 ; V11 isg struct MUI_PenSpec *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Poppen *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Poppen "Poppen.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Group *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Group "Group.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Group_ExitChange = $8042d1cc ; V11
- #MUIM_Group_InitChange = $80420887 ; V11
- #MUIM_Group_Sort = $80427417 ; V4
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Group_ExitChange MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Group_InitChange MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Group_Sort MethodID.l: *obj.b[1] : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Group_ActivePage = $80424199 ; V5 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Group_Child = $804226e6 ; V4 i.. Object *
- #MUIA_Group_ChildList = $80424748 ; V4 ..g struct List *
- #MUIA_Group_Columns = $8042f416 ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_Group_Horiz = $8042536b ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Group_HorizSpacing = $8042c651 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Group_LayoutHook = $8042c3b2 ; V11 i.. struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Group_PageMode = $80421a5f ; V5 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Group_Rows = $8042b68f ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_Group_SameHeight = $8042037e ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Group_SameSize = $80420860 ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Group_SameWidth = $8042b3ec ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Group_Spacing = $8042866d ; V4 is. LONG
- #MUIA_Group_VertSpacing = $8042e1bf ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIV_Group_ActivePage_First =0
- #MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Last =-1
- #MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Prev =-2
- #MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Next =-3
- #MUIV_Group_ActivePage_Advance =-4
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Mccprefs *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Mccprefs "Mccprefs.mui" : End Macro
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Register *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Register "Register.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Register_Frame = $8042349b ; V7 i.g BOOL
- #MUIA_Register_Titles = $804297ec ; V7 i.g STRPTR *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Penadjust *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Penadjust "Penadjust.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Penadjust_PSIMode = $80421cbb ; V11 i.. BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Settingsgroup *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Settingsgroup "Settingsgroup.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Settingsgroup_ConfigToGadgets = $80427043 ; V11
- #MUIM_Settingsgroup_GadgetsToConfig = $80425242 ; V11
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Settingsgroup_ConfigToGadgets MethodID.l:*configdata.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Settingsgroup_GadgetsToConfig MethodID.l:*configdata.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Settings *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Settings "Settings.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Frameadjust *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Frameadjust "Frameadjust.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Imageadjust *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Imageadjust "Imageadjust.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIV_Imageadjust_Type_All =0
- #MUIV_Imageadjust_Type_Image =1
- #MUIV_Imageadjust_Type_Background =2
- #MUIV_Imageadjust_Type_Pen =3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Virtgroup *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Virtgroup "Virtgroup.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Virtgroup_Height = $80423038 ; V6 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Virtgroup_Input = $80427f7e ; V11 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Virtgroup_Left = $80429371 ; V6 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Virtgroup_Top = $80425200 ; V6 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Virtgroup_Width = $80427c49 ; V6 ..g LONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Scrollgroup *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Scrollgroup "Scrollgroup.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Scrollgroup_Contents = $80421261 ; V4 i.g Object *
- #MUIA_Scrollgroup_FreeHoriz = $804292f3 ; V9 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Scrollgroup_FreeVert = $804224f2 ; V9 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Scrollgroup_HorizBar = $8042b63d ; V16 ..g Object *
- #MUIA_Scrollgroup_UseWinBorder = $804284c1 ; V13 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Scrollgroup_VertBar = $8042cdc0 ; V16 ..g Object *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Scrollbar *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Scrollbar "Scrollbar.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Scrollbar_Type = $8042fb6b ; V11 i.. LONG
- #MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Default =0
- #MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Bottom =1
- #MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Top =2
- #MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Sym =3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Listview *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Listview "Listview.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Listview_ClickColumn = $8042d1b3 ; V7 ..g LONG
- #MUIA_Listview_DefClickColumn = $8042b296 ; V7 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Listview_DoubleClick = $80424635 ; V4 i.g BOOL
- #MUIA_Listview_DragType = $80425cd3 ; V11 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Listview_Input = $8042682d ; V4 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Listview_List = $8042bcce ; V4 i.g Object *
- #MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect = $80427e08 ; V7 i.. LONG
- #MUIA_Listview_ScrollerPos = $8042b1b4 ; V10 i.. BOOL
- #MUIA_Listview_SelectChange = $8042178f ; V4 ..g BOOL
- #MUIV_Listview_DragType_None =0
- #MUIV_Listview_DragType_Immediate =1
- #MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_None =0
- #MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Default =1
- #MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Shifted =2
- #MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Always =3
- #MUIV_Listview_ScrollerPos_Default =0
- #MUIV_Listview_ScrollerPos_Left =1
- #MUIV_Listview_ScrollerPos_Right =2
- #MUIV_Listview_ScrollerPos_None =3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Radio *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Radio "Radio.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Radio_Active = $80429b41 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Radio_Entries = $8042b6a1 ; V4 i.. STRPTR *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Cycle *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Cycle "Cycle.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Cycle_Active = $80421788 ; V4 isg LONG
- #MUIA_Cycle_Entries = $80420629 ; V4 i.. STRPTR *
- #MUIV_Cycle_Active_Next =-1
- #MUIV_Cycle_Active_Prev =-2
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Coloradjust *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Coloradjust "Coloradjust.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Coloradjust_Blue = $8042b8a3 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Coloradjust_Green = $804285ab ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Coloradjust_ModeID = $8042ec59 ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Coloradjust_Red = $80420eaa ; V4 isg ULONG
- #MUIA_Coloradjust_RGB = $8042f899 ; V4 isg ULONG *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Palette *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Palette "Palette.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Palette_Entries = $8042a3d8 ; V6 i.g struct MUI_Palette_Entry *
- #MUIA_Palette_Groupable = $80423e67 ; V6 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Palette_Names = $8042c3a2 ; V6 isg char ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Popstring *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Popstring "Popstring.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Popstring_Close = $8042Dc52 ; V7
- #MUIM_Popstring_Open = $804258ba ; V7
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Popstring_Close MethodID.l:result.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Popstring_Open MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Popstring_Button = $8042d0b9 ; V7 i.g Object *
- #MUIA_Popstring_CloseHook = $804256bf ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Popstring_OpenHook = $80429d00 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Popstring_String = $804239ea ; V7 i.g Object *
- #MUIA_Popstring_Toggle = $80422b7a ; V7 isg BOOL
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Popobject *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Popobject "Popobject.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Popobject_Follow = $80424cb5 ; V7 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Popobject_Light = $8042a5a3 ; V7 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Popobject_Object = $804293e3 ; V7 i.g Object *
- #MUIA_Popobject_ObjStrHook = $8042db44 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Popobject_StrObjHook = $8042fbe1 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Popobject_Volatile = $804252ec ; V7 isg BOOL
- #MUIA_Popobject_WindowHook = $8042f194 ; V9 isg struct Hook *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Poplist *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Poplist "Poplist.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Poplist_Array = $8042084c ; V8 i.. char ;**
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Popscreen *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Popscreen "Popscreen.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Popasl *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Popasl "Popasl.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Popasl_Active = $80421b37 ; V7 ..g BOOL
- #MUIA_Popasl_StartHook = $8042b703 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Popasl_StopHook = $8042d8d2 ; V7 isg struct Hook *
- #MUIA_Popasl_Type = $8042df3d ; V7 i.g ULONG
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Semaphore *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Semaphore "Semaphore.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Semaphore_Attempt = $80426ce2 ; V11
- #MUIM_Semaphore_AttemptShared = $80422551 ; V11
- #MUIM_Semaphore_Obtain = $804276f0 ; V11
- #MUIM_Semaphore_ObtainShared = $8042ea02 ; V11
- #MUIM_Semaphore_Release = $80421f2d ; V11
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Semaphore_Attempt MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Semaphore_AttemptShared MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Semaphore_Obtain MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Semaphore_ObtainShared MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Semaphore_Release MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Applist *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Applist "Applist.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Cclist *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Cclist "Cclist.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Dataspace *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Dataspace "Dataspace.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- #MUIM_Dataspace_Add = $80423366 ; V11
- #MUIM_Dataspace_Clear = $8042b6c9 ; V11
- #MUIM_Dataspace_Find = $8042832c ; V11
- #MUIM_Dataspace_Merge = $80423e2b ; V11
- #MUIM_Dataspace_ReadIFF = $80420dfb ; V11
- #MUIM_Dataspace_Remove = $8042dce1 ; V11
- #MUIM_Dataspace_WriteIFF = $80425e8e ; V11
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_Add MethodID.l:*_data.b:_len.l:id.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally data and len (no _) ^ ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_Clear MethodID.l: End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_Find MethodID.l:id.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_Merge MethodID.l:*dataspace.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_ReadIFF MethodID.l:*_handle.b : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally handle (no _) and .IFFHandle ^ ^
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_Remove MethodID.l:id.l : End NEWTYPE
- NEWTYPE.MUIP_Dataspace_WriteIFF MethodID.l: *_handle.b:_type.l:id.l : End NEWTYPE
- ;/Normally handle and type (no _) and .IFFHandle ^ ^ ^
- ; Attributes
- #MUIA_Dataspace_Pool = $80424cf9 ; V11 i.. APTR
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Configdata *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Configdata "Configdata.mui" : End Macro
- ; Methods
- ; Attributes
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;* Dtpic *
- ;**************************************************************************
- Macro MUIC_Dtpic "Dtpic.mui" : End Macro
- ; Attributes
- ;***************************************
- ; End of automatic header file creation
- ;***************************************
- ;************************************************************************
- ;** Structures and Macros for creating custom classes.
- ;************************************************************************
- ;**
- ;** - Everything described in this header file is only valid within
- ;** MUI classes. You may never use any of these things out of
- ;** a class, e.g. in a traditional MUI application.
- ;**
- ;** - Except when otherwise stated, all structures are strictly read only.
- ; Global information for every object
- NEWTYPE.MUI_GlobalInfo
- priv0.l
- *mgi_ApplicationObject.b ;/Normally .Object
- ; ... private data follows ...
- ; Instance data of notify class
- NEWTYPE.MUI_NotifyData
- *mnd_GlobalInfo.MUI_GlobalInfo
- mnd_UserData.l
- mnd_ObjectID.l
- priv1.l
- priv2.l
- priv3.l
- priv4.l
- ; MUI_MinMax structure holds information about minimum, maximum
- ; and default dimensions of an object.
- MinWidth.w
- MinHeight.w
- MaxWidth.w
- MaxHeight.w
- DefWidth.w
- DefHeight.w
- #MUI_MAXMAX= 10000 ; use this if a dimension is not limited.
- NEWTYPE.MUI_LayoutMsg_Size ;Normally, this structure is direcly declared
- Width.l ;in the MUI_LayoutMsg structure .
- Height.l ;However, in Blitz, it isn't possible,
- priv5.l ;so I had to do it this way .
- priv6.l
- ; Hook message for custom layout
- lm_Type.l ; type of message (see defines below)
- *lm_Children.b ; list of this groups children, traverse with NextObject()
- ;/Normally .MinList ^
- lm_MinMax.MUI_MinMax ; results for MUILM_MINMAX
- lm_Layout.MUI_LayoutMsg_Size ; size (and result) for MUILM_LAYOUT
- #MUILM_MINMAX = 1 ; MUI wants you to calc your min & max sizes
- #MUILM_LAYOUT = 2 ; MUI wants you to layout your children
- #MUILM_UNKNOWN = -1 ; return this if your hook doesn't implement lm_Type
- ; (partial) instance data of area class
- *mad_RenderInfo.MUI_RenderInfo ; RenderInfo for this object
- priv7.l
- *mad_Font.b ; Font
- ;/ ^ Normally .TextFont
- mad_MinMax.MUI_MinMax ; min/max/default sizes
- mad_Box.IBox ; position and dimension
- mad_addleft.b ; frame & innerspacing left offset
- mad_addtop.b ; frame & innerspacing top offset
- mad_subwidth.b ; frame & innerspacing add. width
- mad_subheight.b ; frame & innerspacing add. height
- mad_Flags.l ; see definitions below
- ; ... private data follows ...
- ; Definitions for mad_Flags, other flags are private
- #MADF_DRAWOBJECT = (1 LSL 0) ; completely redraw yourself
- #MADF_DRAWUPDATE = (1 LSL 1) ; only update yourself
- ; MUI's draw pens
- #MPEN_TEXT = 5
- #MPEN_FILL = 6
- #MPEN_MARK = 7
- ; Mask for pens from MUI_ObtainPen()
- #MUIPEN_MASK = $0000ffff
- Macro MUIPEN ((`1) & #MUIPEN_MASK) : End Macro
- ; Information on display environment
- NEWTYPE.MUI_RenderInfo
- *mri_WindowObject.b ; valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup
- ;/Normally .Object ^
- *mri_Screen.b ; valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup
- ;/Normally .Screen ^
- *mri_DrawInfo.b ; valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup
- ;/Normally .DrawInfo ^
- *mri_Pens.w ; valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup
- *mri_Window.b ; valid between MUIM_Show/MUIM_Hide
- ;/Normally .Window ^
- *mri_RastPort.b ; valid between MUIM_Show/MUIM_Hide
- ;/Normally .RastPort ^
- mri_Flags.l ; valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup
- ; ... private data follows ...
- ;** If mri_Flags & MUIMRI_RECTFILL, RectFill() is quicker
- ;** than Move()/Draw() for horizontal or vertical lines.
- ;** on the current display.
- ;** If mri_Flags & MUIMRI_TRUECOLOR, display environment is a
- ;** cybergraphics emulated hicolor or true color display.
- ;** If mri_Flags & MUIMRI_THINFRAMES, MUI uses thin frames
- ;** (1:1) apsect ratio instead of standard 2:1 frames.
- ;** If mri_Flags & MUIMRI_REFRESHMODE, MUI is currently
- ;** refreshing a WFLG_SIMPLEREFRESH window and is between
- ;** a BeginRefresh()/EndRefresh() pair.
- ; the following macros can be used to get pointers to an objects
- ; GlobalInfo AND RenderInfo structures.
- NEWTYPE.__dummyXFC2__
- mnd.MUI_NotifyData
- mad.MUI_AreaData
- ;/5 macros removed here (see the doc)
- ; User configurable keyboard events coming with MUIM_HandleInput
- #MUIKEY_RELEASE = -2 ; not a real key, faked when #MUIKEY_PRESS is released
- #MUIKEY_COUNT=22 ; counter
- ; Some useful shortcuts. define MUI_NOSHORTCUTS to get rid of them
- ; NOTE: These macros may only be used in custom classes and are
- ; only valid if your class is inbetween the specified methods!
- ;/Macros removed in BB2 interface (please see the doc)
- ; MUI_CustomClass returned by MUI_CreateCustomClass()
- NEWTYPE.MUI_CustomClass
- *mcc_UserData.b; ; use for whatever you want
- *mcc_UtilityBase.b ; MUI has opened these libraries
- ;/Normally .Library ^
- *mcc_DOSBase.b ; for you automatically. You can
- ;/Normally .Library ^
- *mcc_GfxBase.b ; use them or decide to open
- ;/Normally .Library ^
- *mcc_IntuitionBase.b ; your libraries yourself.
- ;/Normally .Library ^
- *mcc_Super.b ; pointer to super class
- ;/Normally .IClass ^
- *mcc_Class.b ; pointer to the new class
- ;/Normally .IClass ^
- ; ... private data follows ...